Adeline Dorcas's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil (Food Service Management & Dietetics)

Adeline Dorcas

Adeline Dorcas is an alumni of Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching and writing. She loves spending time with family and friends.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Beat the Heat With These Hydrating Fruits & Vegetables

Beat the Heat With These Hydrating Fruits & Vegetables

Discover the best water-rich foods to stay hydrated and healthy during the summer and how these fruits and veggies boost hydration.

Cardio Exercises: The Calorie Burner, But Not the Fat Burner

Cardio Exercises: The Calorie Burner, But Not the Fat Burner

Healthy weight loss secret: Cardio exercises are not the king of fat loss. Yes, running and cycling burn calories, but fat loss requires more.

Health Watch
MealPlot: The Ultimate Protein and Fiber Tracker

MealPlot: The Ultimate Protein and Fiber Tracker

Want to track the protein and fiber content in your meals? Choose MealPlot. For effective weight loss, register for the app and team up with a dietitian.

Diet & Nutrition News
Positive Vibes, Active Lives: The Key to Health and Wellness

Positive Vibes, Active Lives: The Key to Health and Wellness

Does mental well-being fuel an active lifestyle? A positive mindset, free from depression, keeps you more active and energetic. Let’s embrace positive vibes!

Lifestyle and Wellness News
Broken Homes, Broken Health: Parental Divorce Increases Stroke Risk in Children

Broken Homes, Broken Health: Parental Divorce Increases Stroke Risk in Children

Children of divorced parents: Watch out for stroke risk! Even without abuse, parental divorce increases the risk of stroke later in life.

Child Health News