Hemalatha Manikandan's Profile


Hemalatha Manikandan

Hemalatha Manikandan, Physician Assistant graduated from BITS Pilani, has extensive medical experience more than a decade specialising in Medical devices.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Mussels & Silkworms Proteins Prevent Surgical Bleeding

Mussels & Silkworms Proteins Prevent Surgical Bleeding

Discover how a new hemostatic agent developed from mussels and silkworm cocoons improves surgical outcomes and combat infection.

Research News
Novel Hexaplex Vaccine Promises Broad Flu Protection

Novel Hexaplex Vaccine Promises Broad Flu Protection

Discover the new nanoliposome flu vaccine with promising animal model results with enhanced protection against prevalent flu strains.

Research News
Excessive Screen Time Linked to Nighttime Urination Issues

Excessive Screen Time Linked to Nighttime Urination Issues

Discover how adults with over 5 hours of daily TV/video watching face a 48% higher risk of nocturia. Explore the impact of screen time on urination patterns.

Health Watch
Over 275 Million Genetic Variants Unlock the Key to Health Mysteries

Over 275 Million Genetic Variants Unlock the Key to Health Mysteries

Explore the discovery of 275 million genetic variants from the 'All of Us Research Program', enhancing diverse health studies and personalized medicine.

Genetics & Stem Cells News
Ginseng’s Superpower: Boosts Workout Recovery

Ginseng’s Superpower: Boosts Workout Recovery

Discover how ginseng supplementation can enhance muscle recovery, reduce fatigue, and potentially lower injury risks for athletes.

Diet & Nutrition News