Hemalatha Manikandan's Profile


Hemalatha Manikandan

Hemalatha Manikandan, Physician Assistant graduated from BITS Pilani, has extensive medical experience more than a decade specialising in Medical devices.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Understanding Dermatomyositis: A Rare and Complex Disease

Understanding Dermatomyositis: A Rare and Complex Disease

A rare autoimmune disorder affecting muscles and skin, dermatomyositis demands a multidisciplinary approach for diagnosis and treatment.

Asthma Drug Omalizumab Shields Against Food Allergies in Kids

Asthma Drug Omalizumab Shields Against Food Allergies in Kids

Discover how Omalizumab, a drug initially for asthma and hives, now offers protection against severe food allergy reactions.

Drug News
Fasting-Mimic Diet Reduces Biological Age

Fasting-Mimic Diet Reduces Biological Age

Discover how a fast-mimicking diet can significantly reduce biological age and improve metabolic and immune functions, offering a simpler path to better health.

Diet & Nutrition News
Top 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Kasuri Methi

Top 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Kasuri Methi

Uncover the remarkable health benefits of Kasuri Methi! Explore its diverse advantages for your well-being journey.

Understanding the Different Types of Brain Hemorrhage

Understanding the Different Types of Brain Hemorrhage

Understanding the intricacies of brain hemorrhage, types, and management in a concise guide.