Hemalatha Manikandan's Profile


Hemalatha Manikandan

Hemalatha Manikandan, Physician Assistant graduated from BITS Pilani, has extensive medical experience more than a decade specialising in Medical devices.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

From Gut to Eye: New Link in Inherited Blindness Revealed

From Gut to Eye: New Link in Inherited Blindness Revealed

Discover how CRB1 gene mutations cause gut bacteria to infiltrate the eye, resulting in inherited eye diseases and blindness.

Research News
AI Reveals Subtypes in Prostate Cancer, Enhancing Treatment

AI Reveals Subtypes in Prostate Cancer, Enhancing Treatment

Discover how AI has transformed prostate cancer diagnosis by identifying two new disease subtypes, promising a future of tailored treatments.

News on IT in Healthcare
Skipped Meals and E-Cigarettes Double Headache Risk in Youths

Skipped Meals and E-Cigarettes Double Headache Risk in Youths

Explore the alarming findings of children and teens who skip meals, especially breakfast, and use e-cigarettes are at a higher risk of frequent headaches.

Health Watch
Foods to Help Get Rid of Migraine

Foods to Help Get Rid of Migraine

Banish migraine woes with this expert-backed guide! Learn which foods soothe headaches and which to skip. Say goodbye to pain for good!

Innovative Heart Vest Spots Hidden Heart Risks

Innovative Heart Vest Spots Hidden Heart Risks

Discover how an ECGI vest can identify early-stage hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by mapping the heart's electrical impulses, potentially saving lives

Heart Disease News