Hemalatha Manikandan's Profile


Hemalatha Manikandan

Hemalatha Manikandan, Physician Assistant graduated from BITS Pilani, has extensive medical experience more than a decade specialising in Medical devices.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Living Near Green Spaces Tied to Stronger Bones and Lower Osteoporosis Risk

Living Near Green Spaces Tied to Stronger Bones and Lower Osteoporosis Risk

Discover how proximity to greenery can strengthen your bones and decrease the likelihood of osteoporosis.

Health Watch
Short-Term PM2.5: Hidden Killer in Urban Air Pollution

Short-Term PM2.5: Hidden Killer in Urban Air Pollution

Discover the alarming global health impact of short-term PM2.5 exposure with over a million deaths, particularly in Eastern Asia.

Environmental Health
Minimal Leisure-Time Physical Activity Cuts Risk of Stroke

Minimal Leisure-Time Physical Activity Cuts Risk of Stroke

Discover how even modest leisure-time physical activity can significantly reduce stroke risk, independent of age and sex.

Heart Disease News
Early Type 2 Diabetes in Men: Link Between Low Birthweight and Adult Obesity

Early Type 2 Diabetes in Men: Link Between Low Birthweight and Adult Obesity

Explore how low birthweight and overweight in young adulthood are linked to a high risk of early-onset type 2 diabetes in men.

Health Watch
Science and Safety of Water Birth: Benefits, Risks, and Considerations

Science and Safety of Water Birth: Benefits, Risks, and Considerations

Discover the benefits, risks, and safety tips of water birth. Learn about its growing popularity.