Hemalatha Manikandan's Profile


Hemalatha Manikandan

Hemalatha Manikandan, Physician Assistant graduated from BITS Pilani, has extensive medical experience more than a decade specialising in Medical devices.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Confronting Stigma: Urinary Incontinence in Indian Women

Confronting Stigma: Urinary Incontinence in Indian Women

Explore the untold struggle of urinary incontinence among Indian women. Learn about the societal stigma, and the urgent need for treatment and support.

Women Health News
Indian Women Prioritize Health: A Leap in Preventive Care

Indian Women Prioritize Health: A Leap in Preventive Care

Discover the transformative rise in Indian women's health awareness and preventive care practices ahead of International Women's Day.

Women Health News
Weighty Minds: Higher BMI Linked to Poor Mental Health

Weighty Minds: Higher BMI Linked to Poor Mental Health

Discover the significant correlation between higher BMI and deteriorating mental health in adults, highlighting gender disparities in the impact of adiposity on mental health.

Health Watch
COVID-19 Impact on Eye Health: Rising Cases of Ocular Symptoms

COVID-19 Impact on Eye Health: Rising Cases of Ocular Symptoms

Explore how COVID-19 infection causes a surge in ocular symptoms, such as dryness and redness, emphasizing the need for awareness and treatment.

Coronavirus News
Vaping Risks: The Role of Mental Distress & Self-Control

Vaping Risks: The Role of Mental Distress & Self-Control

Discover how mental health, self-control, and social behavior influence non-smokers' chances of starting to vape.

Mental Health News