Mita Majumdar's Profile


Mita has written and edited articles on lifestyle, wellness, diet and nutrition, as well as complementary and alternative medicine for Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Breast Cancer - Prevention and Management with Lifestyle Changes

Breast Cancer - Prevention and Management with Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle choices may or may not cause breast cancer but healthy lifestyle changes can open up avenues beyond breast cancer. Good habits will allow one to fight breast cancer and to live with dignity.

Lifestyle Articles
Chinese Green Tea

Chinese Green Tea

Green tea is the least processed variant of tea. Tea is a beverage made from the processed leaves of Camellia sinensis (Family- Theaceae).

Diet Articles
Bael - The Ultimate Medicinal Summer Fruit

Bael - The Ultimate Medicinal Summer Fruit

The bael is an important aromatic medicinal tree of Indian origin. Despite the goodness it packs in itself, due to the lack of knowledge, the fruit and leaves are highly underutilized.

Diet Articles
Early Signs of Pregnancy

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnant or not pregnant? Catch on to the early pregnancy signs and symptoms and replace suspense with relief.

Disease & Condition
Dark Green Leafy Veggies

Dark Green Leafy Veggies

All green foods contain an abundance of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can actually help restore health and vitality.

Diet Articles