Mita Majumdar's Profile
Mita has written and edited articles on lifestyle, wellness, diet and nutrition, as well as complementary and alternative medicine for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

The Better Flour - Refined Or Whole Wheat Flour!
Whole wheat flour is rapidly gaining exposure for its rich nutritional value and being considered healthy, as opposed to all-purpose flour, maida.

Bite Counter - A Gadget that Helps Stop Overeating
Just like a pedometer counts aerobic steps, the bite counter counts every bite taken. It rings an alarm on nearing the danger zone of overeating set by the person.

Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity
Over 1 billion people world-wide are obese thus affecting their health due to their nutrition and lifestyle. 3.9% of India’s population is obese! Know more about obesity and its prevention.

Foods High in Zinc
Zinc is needed in small amounts every day for good health. Here are some zinc-rich foods for both men and women to lead a healthy life.

Dietary Do’s and Don’ts of Ayurveda
Follow these do’s and don’ts in your Ayurvedic diet to maintain a balance of vata, pitta and kapha doshas and promote good health and wellness.