Sushma Rao's Profile

M.A (Communication & Journalism)

Sushma Rao

Sushma's passion for writing has taken her far and wide, to places in the advertising and IT industries, where she has contributed towards Content and Digital Marketing. Her other interests are baking, dancing and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Six Yoga Poses for Emotional Release

Six Yoga Poses for Emotional Release

Know about the 6 yoga poses that are useful for releasing difficult emotions through back bends, spine twists, hip openers and other poses that help to reduce stress.

Lifestyle Articles
What you need to Know About Workplace Employee Wellness Programs & Corporate Wellness Portals

What you need to Know About Workplace Employee Wellness Programs & Corporate Wellness Portals

Corporate and Workplace Employee wellness programs are designed to improve health of employees, improve morale and make them more productive.

Lifestyle Articles
Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme in Tamil Nadu

Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme in Tamil Nadu

The Chief Minister''s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme will benefit 1.34 crore families. Sum assured per family is Rs. 1 lakh/year for a total of 4 years.

Health Insurance
Dehydration in Children / Pediatric Dehydration

Dehydration in Children / Pediatric Dehydration

Dehydration in children can be life-threatening. Oral rehydration therapy and IV fluids should be administered depending on the severity of a condition.

Disease & Condition
Top 5 Essential Oils to Make You Lose Weight

Top 5 Essential Oils to Make You Lose Weight

Essential oils are concentrated oils and possess characteristics of the plant. They are an alternative, safe and effective way to treat health conditions including weight reduction.

Lifestyle Articles