Shirley Johanna's Profile
M.Sc, M.Phil
Shirley is passionate about teaching and writing. She conducts nutrition education program for children in an NGO. Her hobbies are cooking, gardening and photography.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Health Benefits of Beans
Like most legumes, beans are popular across the world and are a good source of protein and carbs. Here are some of the health benefits of beans.
Top 5 Healthy High Calorie Foods
High calorie foods, are usually perceived to be not healthy, however they can still be a part of a healthy diet when taken in moderation.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Banana
Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits in the world. They offer a wide array of health benefits including heart health, skin care and bone strength.
Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping
Healthy grocery shopping is not only about counting calories and checking food labels, but about selecting fresh and seasonal foods and cooking them right.
Top 10 Tips for Good Digestive Health
Digestive health reflects the overall body health. Optimize your digestive system by following these simple tips.