Shirley Johanna's Profile
M.Sc, M.Phil

Shirley is passionate about teaching and writing. She conducts nutrition education program for children in an NGO. Her hobbies are cooking, gardening and photography.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Habits to Lose Belly Fat
Healthy dietary habits and regular physical activities are the best ways to balance energy intake and expenditure to get a slimmer belly.

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage
Red cabbage is a low-calorie and high-fiber vegetable that offers an array of health benefits from aiding in weight loss to preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Top 10 Medicinal Benefits of Betel Leaves
Betel leaf, is an amazing mouth freshener that has been used since ancient times. Discover some amazing medicinal benefits of betel leaves.

Top 7 Health Benefits of Basil
Basil leaves have been widely used in Ayurveda due to its healing properties. It helps treat cardiovascular diseases, relieve stress, and promote overall well-being.

Top 12 Healthy Beverages for Diabetics
Diabetic patients need not be wary of drinks. Milk, detox water, whey drink, smoothies, cocoa, herbs or dairy-based drinks offer a wide palette to relish.