Julia Samuel's Profile
Julia has worked as a part-time lecturer in Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about educating people, esp students about healthy eating, fitness and well-being.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Health Benefits of Bell Peppers
Bell peppers contain a variety of nutrients and health-promoting compounds that help fight oxidative stress and infection, thereby promoting overall health.
Top Foods To Improve Fertility
A balanced diet has various benefits and one of them is healthy reproductive system. Learn about the foods and lifestyle habits that can boost your fertility.
Health Benefits of Peanuts
When eating peanuts, it is important to be aware of the calories in peanuts. There are many health benefits of peanuts. Hence, consuming them in moderation is important for good health.
Blood Group Diet
The ''Blood-Type'' diet advises individuals to eat according to their ABO blood group to improve their health and decrease the risk of chronic diseases.
Bitter Gourd - Not that Bitter for Life
Bitter gourd has always been a neglected food among a large part of the population. We tend to forget that it has wonderful health benefits for people of all ages.