Medindia » Nutrition Data » Restaurant Foods
Tip 1 : Eat the most perishable fruit first. Bananas only last a few days, while apples will stay crisp in the fridge for over a week.
Tip 2 : Every fruit counts: Fresh, dried, frozen, and canned (in water or 100% juice)! Pick the one that works for you.
Tip 3 : Make a healthy Southwestern dip with tomatoes, black beans, black-eye peas, and corn. Season with chili powder or jalapenos.
Tip 4 : Enjoy preparing chicken in different ways. You can roast, stew, saut�, broil or bake it for a variety of dishes.
Tip 5 : In addition to getting calcium from milk and yogurt, you also get potassium, which can help your blood pressure.
Tip 6 : Mix whole-grain cereal with unsalted nuts and dried fruit for a great afternoon snack.
Tip 7 : Beans and peas, like lentils, pintos, and split peas, are protein foods that are naturally low in fat. They make great side or main dishes.
Tip 8 : Try vegetables like asparagus, zucchini, squash, and artichokes to use in different dishes.
Tip 9 : Corn is a great and affordable vegetable to cook all year long. Buy it fresh, frozen, or canned!
Tip 10 : Use up leftover whole-grain bread or crackers as bulk in a meat loaf (or meat-less loaf). Check online for recipes.